ARTIKEL : Cara kerja dan cara Setting Modem CDMA Prolink P2000 di Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

Nah khusus untuk saudara saudara ku se Indonesia yang lagi kebingungan untuk bisa berinternet murah di Ubuntu 10.04, sekarang saya akan bantu untuk memecahkan masalah kalian.

yang pertama yang harus dimengerti adalah (yang sudah expert tak perlu baca lagi dah) bahwa "kebanyakan" sebuah usb modem yang kita gunakan sekarang itu terdiri dari 2 buah perangkat yang berbeda fungsi.
Dalam satu stik itu terdapat 2 buah alat, yang satu sebagai alat penyimpanan yang bersifat read-only (semacam flashdisk) namun hanya bisa dibaca, yang berisikan software/program/applikasi built-in yang berfungsi sebagai driver untuk Operating Sytem Microsoft Windows (Walaupun ada jg yang dibuat untuk Mac OSX) yang bertugas mengangkat atau istilah kerennya "me - mount" perangkat / alat kedua pada usb stik tersebut ke Operating System sehingga bisa dipakai. Nah perangkat kedua itu sendiri adalah Modemnya, alasan produsen menyatukan kedua alat tersebut menjadi satu selain menghemat biaya produksi adalah untuk memudahkan penggunanya dalam memakai produknya, jadi pengguna tak perlu lagi repot-repot mencari CD driver untuk modem mereka seperti jaman jaman dahulu kala, namun cukup mencolokan modemnya dan menginstall applikasi built-in tersebut pada komputer mereka.

BUG : Windows 7 + Ubuntu 10.04 Ad Hoc Wireless Network does not work ! Both could not connected.

This is really big bug. I have doing some test with many Wireless Adapter type, such as Atheros, Broadcom, Intel,  etc. All failed !
Any ideas ???

3GP VIDEO : Download Rekaman Video Tuyul Mirip Seorang Pakar Telematika

Sebuah rekaman video tuyul mirip seorang yang katanya pakar telematika kini beredar luas di internet. Dalam video tersebut terlihat mahluk tersebut tengah duduk di ranjang sebuah kamar hotel. Menurut kabar yang beredar katanya video tersebut direkam melalu CCTV Tersembunyi yang sengaja di pasang pada kamar tersebut, karena konon di kamar tersebut sering muncul penampakan-penampakan mahluk halus. 

Penasaran ingin liat ?
Berikut link download video ini

TUTORIAL : Setting up Easy Hotspot Captive Portal with FreeRadius and Coova Chilli

The following is the reference software that I used. The main issue would be with FreeRadius.
There is a dramatic difference between version 1.X and 2.X in the way that FreeRadius organises
configuation files.
You need ChilliSpot 1.0 to get the ChilliSpot-Max-Total_Octets checks.
/usr/sbin/freeradius -v FreeRADIUS v2.1.0
/usr/sbin/chilli –version Chillispot 1.0
/usr/sbin/apache2 -v Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu)
/usr/sbin/mysqld –version Ver 5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2
php –version PHP 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.2 with Suhosin-Patch
(cli) and Zend Engine v2.2.0.
Easyhotspot 0.2 preview
My reference OS details Ubuntu Server 9.04 running kernel 2.6.28-15-server

TUTORIAL : Setup Peer to Peer Wireless Network with Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

There is tutorial to setting up a Peer to Peer Network (PTP) with Internet Connection Sharing from ICS Host in Microsoft Windows Operating System.
Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

I was made this tutorial for my home work, but i think is good idea to share this simple tutorial to another people that may be need this tutorial.

OK, Just Click Download to get the e-Book turorial 

Download as PDF

RESOLVED : Download and Install Driver for Compaq COProcessor Unknown Device

Finally after so much searching, I'm success to install all the drivers on my Compaq Presario laptop.
Initially I was using Windows Vista, but because many of the problems I get when using Windows Vista, I finally decided to upgrade to Windows 7.

But I forgot to copy my old drivers on Windows Vista, well after I install Windows 7 all drivers could be identified unless there are two that have not been, the "Coprocessor and Unknown Device." I'm trying to figure out what exactly was missing, from the official Compaq websites, forums and turorial that I read and follow none of which worked for me.

DOWNLOAD : Video Mirip Ari*l dan 32 Artis terkenal kembali bocor ke internet. Kali ini dengan 32 Artis Sekaligus

Setelah sempat meredup kini kabar mengenai video ari*l kembali muncul, kali ini mengenai video 32 artis tersebut didapati telah bocor ke internet. Sepintas isi video tersebut adalah ari*l tengah bermain kucing kucingan dengan 32 artis yang tidak bisa saya sebutkan namanya.

Ari*l terlihat tengah mengejar-ngejar 32 artis dalam sebuah kamar hotel yang lumayan mewah, 
dari segi kualitas video juga tak amatiran seperti versi versi sebelumnya, 
sepertinya episode kali ini diambil dengan menggunakan kamera khusus untuk film layar lebar (High Definition). Kemudian juga terlihat bagaimana satu persatu artis artis itu dieksekusi keperawanannya oleh ari*l,

RESOLVED : Acer 4740 running very slowly on Ubuntu Lucid lynx

This problem can occur because the memory priority is set to optimize the Virtual Memory. So your Virtual Memory (Swap) will be very busy than your Physical memory (RAM).

The Virtual memory had a huge difference with Physical memory (RAM is more faster than the Virtual Memory), so your Computer will be slow down drastically.

This Problem can be solved by changing the memory usage priority to RAM, not using Swap / Virtual Memory. you can follow this step to change the Ubuntu Memory priority :

Do it on terminal, Application > Accessories > Terminal

Setup Failure : VIEW Original Openfire.xml File

Paste this original Openfire.xml code to your Openfire.xml file, if it doesn't exist create it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    This file stores bootstrap properties needed by Openfire.
    Property names must be in the format: ""
    That will be stored as:

    Most properties are stored in the Openfire database. A
    property viewer and editor is included in the admin console.
<!-- root element, all properties must be under this element -->
        <!-- Disable either port by setting the value to -1 -->


    <!-- Network settings. By default, Openfire will bind to all network interfaces.
      Alternatively, you can specify a specific network interfaces that the server
      will listen on. For example, This setting is generally only useful
       on multi-homed servers. -->

WAMMU : Phone Suite Application for Ubuntu

This application is so similar with Nokia PC Suite or other Phone suite. You can use this application to read, edit, delete, copy contact, todo and calendar on supported phone, like Nokia, Siemens and Alcatel. This application includes the SMS composers for multi-part SMS Messages, and display the pictures that included to the SMS Messages.

TIPS : Cuztomize your Desktop with GNOME Color Chooser | Ubuntu 10.04

This simple application can cuztomize your Ubuntu desktop, if you saturated with your desktop you can use this application to make some changes.

Features of the Application :

TUTORIAL : Setup Ad Hoc Wireless Network with Shared Internet Connection | Ubuntu 10.04

The first make your wireless device adapter detected by Ubuntu, or you already have the device driver and installed to be able to follow this step.

On this tutorial I assuming using 2 Laptop running Ubuntu Lucid both, and have a Wireless LAN adapter of course.

Step 1 we will work on laptop that have an internet connection, can be a LAN cable or Wireless Modem whatever, that's no problem.

AWARDS : All Resolved Mendapatkan award dari PONSELHP

Terimakasih atas award dan tag yang telah diberikan oleh pemilik blog Ponselhp dengan judul blog Seputar dunia Ponsel dan HP.

berikut adalah tag yang diberikan, saya akan berusaha untuk menjawab

NAUTILUS : Add a "Set as Wallpaper" entry in context menu | Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

You can use Nautilus extension to do that,
to install this extension, go to terminal and type this command
sudo apt-get install nautilus-wallpaper

after that extension installed restart your nautilus,
and you will be able to use an image as wallpaper by right click on it.

TIPS : Make low cost Own Web, Mail, File and Chat Servers at Home

Creating a home server itself is not difficult, with improvised devices you can create a home server itself.

I also have one at home, with a Pentium 4 PC and a broadband connection with Public IP, I can host a web, mail, files and chat server at home.

To save money, all the software I use Opensource.
This is the specifications:

Empathy IM Client : Online with multiple Accounts on single Application | Ubuntu 10.04

Have a multiple chat account, and complicated with many chat Application ?

now with Empathy you will not be complicated by the application if you have a many accounts anymore, because Empathy can handle more than one chat accounts simultaneously.

computer resources will also not to be freed if you use a single application like Empathy IM Client to online with multiple accounts.

Empathy also have VoIP and Video Call facility built-in, so even if your friends are not using Servers that have the VoIP or Video call facilities , you can still use the facility if you chat with a friend who also wore Empathy chat.

TUTORIAL : Customize your Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Appearance with Compiz, Docky and Screenlets

saturated with display of your ubuntu?let's try a little fox,
to make it look more appealing and attractive.

Ubuntu is not only fast and reliable, but if further deepened,
ubuntu can also be customizable.
Whether to save time let's follow the steps below

You need to install an Additional applications like :

- Compiz to add a desktop effects

- Screenlets to manage dekstop gadgets

- Docky to add a dock bar

PHISHING : Need a php Phishing Script ? FIND Here... Just Copy and paste PHP Phishing Script

OK now I will share my private script to you,,
please use this script with carefully...

Be remember, any risk is not my responsibility

Change the url to url that you want to redirect, for example

SOLVED : Openfire Server Administrator Password doesn't work after install

I'm got this error after installing Openfire Server 3.6.4 on my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS,

this problem occur after i finished installing Openfire, i could't able to logon to the admin console, I remember the password but it's doesn't work, Openfire says Login failed: make sure your username and password are correct and that you're an admin or moderator.

I'm so confused, until I found the solution

If you have this problem you can try this

TUTORIAL : Download Youtube Video from Ubuntu Terminal

You can download a youtube video directly from your Ubuntu terminal, this can be done using a application called youtube-dl.

youtube-dl can catch a youtube-video by entering the video url,

follow this step to download a youtube video with youtube-dl :

1. you must install youtube-dl

2. type sudo apt-get install youtube-dl in your terminal

3. wait the process to be completed

HACKING TOOLS : Free Download Backdoor Trojan with remover, Stealth Spy Ver.1.1

Need a trojan ?
let's try my first project...
with this tool you can control your target computer with telnet service automaticaly...

This tools is written by my self with Batch Programming, (MS-DOS .bat File) and i compile it to .exe application with converter tools. the program structures is very simple but perfect.. this program can enabled a Telnet Server Services, start it immediately and automatically,

This is the complete specification :

SOLVED : External .ico Favicon not shown on blogger (Failed with custom Favicon)

If you want to change your default favicon on your blog, and that could't be shown it's same as me,,

I have trying so many way to do that, but the favicon never change...

Until i'm found the way how to change it, now i will share my experiences to you..

So you let's do it...

Create a Simple Slideshow Wallpaper on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04

You can create a simple wallpaper slideshow like Windows 7 on Ubuntu with XML Script, Now i will share that script to you...

The first you must prepare the images that you want to use as slideshow wallpaper,, minimal you need 10Pictures for nice looks... if you want to add more images you can do that later,,

This in the step :

1. Open your terminal.
2. Type sudo gedit , and insert your password
3. gedit text editor window will shown
4. Copy and Paste this script to gedit

RESOLVED : Setting Modem CDMA Prolink P2000 on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04

Finally after all this time looking for a way out, now I succeeded setting up Modem Prolink P2000 that I bought on my Ubuntu.
From all the forums I've browse,starting from replace the SCSI Emulation module with modprobe usbserial , usbmodeswitch etc., but no one was willing.
Because I kept trying, I found a simple but effective way, and finally I can use a cheap internet connection in my Ubuntu with Telkom Flexi ISP,,
Hahaha ... : D

if you have a same problem just follow the instructions, guaranteed to be going well. Remember be exactly alike there should be no steps are missed, OK.

(((For Indonesian people just click THIS to learn more about this)))
(((Untuk Saudaraku se-Indonesia yang mau tau lebih mengenai cara kerja dan cara settingnya, dalam Bahasa Indonesia tentunya silahkan klik DISINI)))

Install and Setting PHP , PHPmyAdmin, MySQL on IIS 7 / 7.5 Windows Vista / 7

Sekarang bagi anda yang kurang paham mengenai cara setting komponen diatas atau menemui masalah dalam penyettingannya berbahagialah karena saya akan membantu anda untuk melakukannya sampai berhasil melalui tutorial ini.

Berikut langkah-langkahnya :

Siapkan installer yang dibutuhkan.
Disini saya menggunakan spesifikasi seperti berikut :

Web Server : IIS 7.5 Windows 7

PHP : Ver. 5.2.13

PHPMyAdmin : Ver. 3.3.1

MySQL Server : Ver. 5.1.45

Notepad++ untuk mengedit script dengan mudah dan mengurangi resiko kesalahan DISINI

Install PHPMyAdmin : Cannot load mysql extension. Please check your PHP configuration. (IIS 7.5)

Jika anda menemui pesan error seperti ini ketika menginstall PHPMyAdmin, berarti sama seperti saya dulu.
Ketika saya mencoba menginstall PHPMyAdmin pada IIS 7.5 saya juga menemui masalah seperti  ini. PHP saya sudah terinstall dan terintegrasi dengan tepat pada Web Server IIS, namun PHPMySQL saya sang hancur tidak mau mau jalan. Ketika coba saya akses yang muncul hanya pesan seperti ini "Cannot load mysql extension. Please check your PHP configuration."

Kemudian saya googling untuk mencari pemecahannya, memang banyak yang saya temui pemecahan pemecahan masalah ini, namun parahnya tidak satupun yang bekerja dengan apa yang saya alami. Sudah berbagai turorial saya ikuti. Mulai dari menghilangkan tanda ";" didepan mysql extension dan bebrapa extension lainnya di php.ini dan juga membenahi path extension pada jalur yang benar "extension_dir =" sudah saya isi degan path extension saya yang benar yaitu "C:\php\ext" namun masih tidak mau juga.
masih saja pesan error tersebut muncul.

Drupal Error : Maximum execution time of xxx second exceeded (IIS 7.5)

A few days ago I had encountered problems are like this on my Drupal. When the Heavy Load when installing Drupal Module I see an error like this "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 second exceeded in C: \ Inetpub \ wwwroot \ tkjcyber \ tkjmenggilah \ modules \ user \ user.module on line 9"

I am trying to find a solution with googling but still confused because there are only the same questions in the forum. Because if the wrong occurred is the setting of PHP, I tried to process them. Until I see a line with a value of "300" just like the ones in error messages

Drupal Sites Change : PHP has encountered a Stack overflow

A few days ago I was having problems for quite surprised, at first when I was using Drupal CMS on IIS Web Server 7.5 and because it feels very slowly (First I use Apache feels faster), Because of that. I activate the cache function on the Site config / Performance, after I press the save button and then I waited a little longer the error message appear "PHP has encountered a Stack overflow" there I was panic, because the Web that I made good but instead added even more devastated. I want to reset the settings, but I can not go to the Administer, the error message appears again and again. I really panic at that time.

Then I tried googling to find solutions, but no results. There was only a question and the same question as I have. But in the end I found a forum, but forgot the name right. There I described how to solve it and I try it 100% successful. I went back to normal Web without resistance.