Install PHPMyAdmin : Cannot load mysql extension. Please check your PHP configuration. (IIS 7.5)

Jika anda menemui pesan error seperti ini ketika menginstall PHPMyAdmin, berarti sama seperti saya dulu.
Ketika saya mencoba menginstall PHPMyAdmin pada IIS 7.5 saya juga menemui masalah seperti  ini. PHP saya sudah terinstall dan terintegrasi dengan tepat pada Web Server IIS, namun PHPMySQL saya sang hancur tidak mau mau jalan. Ketika coba saya akses yang muncul hanya pesan seperti ini "Cannot load mysql extension. Please check your PHP configuration."

Kemudian saya googling untuk mencari pemecahannya, memang banyak yang saya temui pemecahan pemecahan masalah ini, namun parahnya tidak satupun yang bekerja dengan apa yang saya alami. Sudah berbagai turorial saya ikuti. Mulai dari menghilangkan tanda ";" didepan mysql extension dan bebrapa extension lainnya di php.ini dan juga membenahi path extension pada jalur yang benar "extension_dir =" sudah saya isi degan path extension saya yang benar yaitu "C:\php\ext" namun masih tidak mau juga.
masih saja pesan error tersebut muncul.

Drupal Error : Maximum execution time of xxx second exceeded (IIS 7.5)

A few days ago I had encountered problems are like this on my Drupal. When the Heavy Load when installing Drupal Module I see an error like this "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 second exceeded in C: \ Inetpub \ wwwroot \ tkjcyber \ tkjmenggilah \ modules \ user \ user.module on line 9"

I am trying to find a solution with googling but still confused because there are only the same questions in the forum. Because if the wrong occurred is the setting of PHP, I tried to process them. Until I see a line with a value of "300" just like the ones in error messages

Drupal Sites Change : PHP has encountered a Stack overflow

A few days ago I was having problems for quite surprised, at first when I was using Drupal CMS on IIS Web Server 7.5 and because it feels very slowly (First I use Apache feels faster), Because of that. I activate the cache function on the Site config / Performance, after I press the save button and then I waited a little longer the error message appear "PHP has encountered a Stack overflow" there I was panic, because the Web that I made good but instead added even more devastated. I want to reset the settings, but I can not go to the Administer, the error message appears again and again. I really panic at that time.

Then I tried googling to find solutions, but no results. There was only a question and the same question as I have. But in the end I found a forum, but forgot the name right. There I described how to solve it and I try it 100% successful. I went back to normal Web without resistance.